10 Things to Know About: Leveling Up Your LinkedIn Profile

Statistics show that 95% of recruiters actively use LinkedIn to search for high-quality candidates, and candidates with a comprehensive LinkedIn profile have a 71% higher chance of getting a job interview. According to LinkedIn, these tips are designed to make your profile more engaging and a more effective tool for professional growth and networking.

1. Improve Your Profile Visuals:

Choose a professional profile picture where your face takes up about 60% of the frame and select a background photo that conveys your personal brand or professional values. Together, these visuals set the first impression and tone for your profile. Pro tip: Invest in high-quality headshots that reflect your professional image, even on a budget. Consider DIY options or affordable photography services.

2. Start With a Compelling Headline and Summary:

Go beyond job titles in your headline to include a brief insight into who you are professionally and what differentiates you. Use the summary space to tell your unique story, emphasizing the impact of your skills and the value you bring to your network.

3. Personalize Your Introduction:

Help people pronounce your name correctly using LinkedIn’s name pronunciation feature. This adds a personal touch and shows attention to detail.

4. Be Authentic and Avoid Overused Words:

Steer clear of generic terms like “specialized”, “leadership” and “strategic.” Instead, demonstrate your qualities through specific examples and stories that reflect your true professional self.

5. Build and Engage Your Network:

Sync your email contacts to grow your network, follow up meetings with connection requests and stay active by sharing and commenting on relevant content. Regularly updating your connections keeps your network vibrant and engaging.

6. Highlight Skills and Endorsements:

List relevant skills and provide examples to demonstrate your proficiency and reflect your expertise. Encourage endorsements from peers and provide the same to maintain a supportive network.

7. List Recommendations and Certifications:

Request personalized recommendations from colleagues who can vouch for your professional capabilities. Also, display any courses completed through LinkedIn Learning and other platforms to highlight your commitment to continuous education and professional development.

8. Engage with Content and Influencers:

Share and comment on relevant articles to establish thought leadership and follow industry influencers to stay informed and participate in important conversations. Pro Tip: Regularly update your profile with achievements, projects and experiences to keep it fresh and engaging.

9. Utilize LinkedIn’s Unique Features:

Turn on Creator mode to access additional tools for content creation, display your services on LinkedIn’s Service Pages and contribute to collaborative articles to share your expertise and increase visibility. Pro Tip: Personalize your LinkedIn URL to make it easier for others to find and remember your profile.

10. Increase Outreach with Sales Navigator:

If your focus is growing your business, consider using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator to expand your network and achieve better sales outcomes with more tailored engagement strategies.

DIY A Professional-Looking Headshot

  • The Right Tools: DSLR cameras work best, but high-quality photos from cell phones work just as well.

  • Find the Light: Outdoors or near a window in a room with soft, indirect natural light tend to produce the best results. Choose a neutral, uncluttered, plain wall or background free from distractions.
  • Dress for Success: Make sure you’re dressed for the right audience, and that your outfit choice makes sense for you; solid colors are best and avoid busy patterns.
  • Pose Properly: Make sure the camera is at eye level and you’re using the back camera for the best quality; portrait mode improves the photo quality by focusing on the subject while blurring the background.
  • Express Yourself: Keep your smile natural and welcoming. Aim for genuine and professional.
  • Keep it You: Capture several photos displaying various angles and expressions; enhance your favorite shot with basic editing—touching up the lighting and cropping in closer but be careful not to overedit so it still looks like you.