Business of Baking

From Family Kitchen to Flourishing Bakery: The Sweet Journey of Lorraine’s Bake Shop

Nestled in the bustling heart of downtown Montgomery lies a culinary gem that’s more than just a place to satisfy your sweet cravings. Lorraine’s Bake Shop is the brainchild of Lorraine Richie, a dedicated artisan whose journey began in the cozy kitchens of New Jersey. Richie’s affinity for baking traces back to her childhood, where the simple act of kneading dough and whisking batter became cherished memories shared with her family. From baking Christmas cookies with her mom to whipping up brownies with friends in junior high, Richie’s fondness for the art of baking only grew stronger with time, which eventually paved the path to her specialty— decorated sugar cookies— in 2012.

Richie’s baking venture took flight after meeting an event planner on Instagram in May 2014. A comment expressing an interest in her Paris-themed cookies sparked a chain of events that reshaped her baking career. She began shipping her delectable creations to Montgomery, catching the attention of locals and eventually landing an opportunity to bake cookies for the Alabama Governor’s Christmas tour.

Baking Goods for the Alabama Governor

The experience of catering to the Governor’s office felt like a dream to Richie. “I had been shipping cookies to Montgomery for about six months when I was invited to make cookies for the Governor’s Christmas tour. Due to a silly comment that was made about us moving to Montgomery and opening a shop, we decided to deliver the Christmas cookies and see what Montgomery was like. From having to check in at the guards shack and having my name ‘on the list’, to sitting at the dining room table, it was a very surreal experience,” said Richie.

Growing the Business at Home

In 2019, after years of contemplation and prayer, Richie and her family made the bold decision to uproot their lives and make the journey from New Jersey to Montgomery. Armed with a Cottage Food License and a desire to share her love of baking with the community, she set out to turn her vision into reality. Operating under a Cottage Food License allowed Richie to bake from the comfort of her  own home, providing a foundation for her flourishing business. She faced many challenges during the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Leveraging her home-based setup, she  seamlessly transitioned her business model to accommodate contactless pickups and DIY cookie decorating kits, catering to evolving consumer needs.

Transitioning to a Storefront

To keep up with the growing demand, Richie transitioned from a home-based operation to a quaint storefront in downtown Montgomery. “The transition has been a journey and a half! I had to learn how to function in a new space while waiting on customers and having conversations. I quickly realized that decorating sugar cookies was going to be a bit of a challenge in a storefront,” Richie said. But, with unwavering determination and a sprinkle of creativity, Lorraine’s Bake Shop has become a beloved fixture in the local food scene.

Today, Lorraine’s Bake Shop offers more than just pastries – it’s a sanctuary where patrons are welcomed with open arms and feel at home with familiar offerings from pumpkin spice coffee cake to gingerbread oatmeal cream pies.

“We are told by our customers that our bake shop makes them feel like home, between the atmosphere, the decor and the hospitality, Lorraine’s brings sweet memories and new experiences daily.”

Dreaming of New Desserts

Looking ahead, Richie envisions a future filled with growth and expansion. “We are expanding our team. We’ve also just added Blue Bell Ice Cream to the shop and are excited about pairing our baked goods with ice cream for some delicious evening dessert options,” she said. “We hope to add cake, cupcakes, muffins and decorated sugar cookies to our daily offerings. We already feel the need for a bit more space, so we’ll see where that leads us!”

Through the countless changes, Richie remains grounded by a simple mantra, “Do it afraid.” It’s a reminder that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the willingness to push forward despite it. “‘Do it afraid!’ You can never be truly ready for anything, and I’ve let fear hold me back from so many things, so now, I just do it afraid.”

So, the next time you find yourself wandering the streets of downtown Montgomery, be sure to pay a visit to Lorraine’s Bake Shop. In each delicious bite, you’ll taste not just the labor of love, but the sweet success of a dream fulfilled.

All About the Baker: Meet Mrs. Lorraine Richie

  • First impression of Montgomery:

    We were hooked after our first visit in November 2014!

  • Must-have work tool:

    Coffee, seriously.

  • Off the clock:

    When we have the opportunity, we love the local music scene downtown, we enjoy eating at Cork & Cleaver, going to shows at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and spending time with our family.

  • On the queue:

    That would be a lot of indie/ folk music, but I enjoy a lot of different genres.

  • One thing you’d change about yourself or the business:

    Honestly, I wish that I were more confident in my abilities. It would make life so much easier!

  • Proudest moment:

    I’m really proud of myself for pursuing the crazy idea of moving 900 miles south and for taking the leap of faith to do so and to open a bakery.

  • Theme song:

    “Talk it Up” by Sammy Rae and the Friends

  • Main motto:

    My favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I suppose that would be my motto. Also…”but God.”

  • Just for fun:

    I love to create anything from a cozy home and shop to making things, coloring, doodling, listening to music, dancing, laughing and relaxing.