Site Retargeting

Almost every person who visits your website for the first time will leave without buying. They don’t know anything about your brand; there is no awareness or trust; and they aren’t convinced that they need your products or services — yet.

How do you get them to come back and make a purchase? Site retargeting. 


Site retargeting is a savvy digital advertising strategy to bring people back to your website to keep your brand “top of mind.” It allows you to connect with visitors who have already displayed interest in your website or products, helping you reach 97 percent of potentially missed customers. The primary objective of site retargeting is to remind people of the products or services they were intrigued by, enticing them to return to your website and take the desired action, be it making a purchase or completing a form. 


Picture this scenario: You visit an online store in search of the perfect pair of shoes. You explore various options but decide not to make a purchase. Later, while browsing other websites or using social media, you’re greeted with ads from that same online store showcasing the exact shoes you were eyeing earlier. That is the power of site retargeting in action! 

To implement this strategy, we use a clever method of retargeting by placing a pixel on your website. When a potential customer visits your website, a tiny piece of code (referred to as a “cookie”) is discreetly placed on their browser. This cookie is the magic behind the scenes; it helps your website remember their visit and the products or pages viewed. The pixel allows specific targeting that tracks what each visitor looked at and the actions they took. After they leave your site, this pixel follows their future online habits and delivers them retargeted ads to re-engage their interest.


Retargeting is all about repetition. The wrong retargeting can drive away the prospect, resulting in a wasted campaign. But, done correctly, the multiple touchpoints keep your prospect engaged with your company or product, resulting in a return visit to your website. Effective retargeting should create a sense of familiarity and trust, removing any hesitations your prospect has about pressing that “buy now” button. 

What’s more, site retargeting works hand-in-hand with your other marketing efforts, providing valuable data for optimization and making it an efficient tool to drive results and maximize the impact of your advertising endeavors. Site retargeting is a gamechanger in the world of digital advertising.


  • Emails 
  • LinkedIn 
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter


  • Site retargeting increases the chances of consumer conversion by 70%.
  • Retargeted customers are 3X more likely to click on your ad than people who have never interacted with your site.
  • Retargeted Facebook ads are 76% more likely to get clicks than regular display ads.
  • Retargeted ads have a 10X higher click-through rate (CTR) than a regular display ad.

Sources: Invesp and KlientBoost

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If you have questions about outsourcing some or all of your marketing efforts, the team at exploreMedia can help! Reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

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