Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer recognized for outstanding achievements in water quality

Earning top honors from the Alabama Water Pollution Control Association, the American Water Works Association, and Alabama’s Water Environment Association, Montgomery Water continues to set the standard for excellence in water and wastewater services in Alabama.

These prestigious awards highlight the Montgomery Water and Sewer Board’s commitment to providing high-quality, safe, and reliable water services for all our residents and businesses.

AWPCA Awards: Water Treatment Excellence
The Alabama Water Pollution Control Association has honored several Montgomery water treatment plants (WTP) with Awards of Excellence:
– Horse Farm WTP: Award of Excellence for Ground Water (15,001-25,000 Population)
– Day Street WTP: Award of Excellence for Ground Water (Greater Than 100,000 Population)
– Wallahatchie WTP: Award of Excellence for Ground Water (15,001-25,000 Population)
– C.T. Perry WTP: Award of Excellence for Surface Water (50.1-60.0 MGD)
– Waugh WTP: Best Operated Plant Award for Ground Water (15,001-25,000 Population)
– Montgomery Distribution System: Best Operated Plant Award for Distribution System (50,001-100,000 Meters)
AWPCA Awards: Wastewater Treatment Excellence

The AWPCA also recognized Montgomery’s wastewater treatment facilities:
– Towassa WPCP: Award of Excellence for the Bio-Filter/Trickling Filter Category
– Rolling Hills WW Lagoon: Award of Excellence for Operations Achieved by Operators in the Lagoons Category
– Catoma WPCP: Certificate of Recognition for Mechanical Plant (Greater than 8.9 MGD)
– Milley’s Creek WPCP: Certificate of Recognition for Mechanical Plant (Less than 2.5 MGD)
– Econchate WPCP: Certificate of Recognition for Bio Filter/Trickling Filter
AWWA and AWEA Accolades
The Alabama/Mississippi Section of the AWWA named Montgomery’s Water Distribution System the “Water Distribution System of the Year” for Alabama. Additionally, the AWEA presented several awards:
– Milley’s Creek WPCP: Award of Excellence in the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Category II
– Rolling Hills Lagoon: Two-Year Award of Excellence in Operations
– Towassa WPCP: Award of Excellence in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Category VI Trickling Filter
– George W. Burke, Jr. Facility Safety Award: Recognizing excellence in safety programs and records
A well-maintained water system ensures that clean and safe drinking water is delivered to the community, preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. The awards signify that Montgomery’s water systems meet high safety standards, protecting public health.

From the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce.

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