CEO Conversations: Carl Barker

Carl Barker’s journey from finance to executive leadership exemplifies a deep commitment to excellence and community. As the Regional CEO for ServisFirst Bank in Montgomery, AL, Barker has assembled a team of dedicated bankers, including veteran employees and new additions who share the bank’s mission of providing exceptional service. His leadership has driven growth and prosperity, including the recent expansion into the Auburn-Opelika market. Originally from Selma, Barker began his banking career in 1971 and joined ServisFirst Bank in 2007. His distinguished career continues to inspire as he leads the bank toward sustained success and community enrichment.

What is ServisFirst’s purpose or mission and how is it different from other banks?

Our mission statement is easy to remember, “Our name is our mission.” We strive every day to deliver the highest level of service to our clients possible. All our team members work hard and are dedicated to helping our clients with their financial needs and making their lives easier in that regard.

How do you contribute to fulfilling that mission?

As the Regional CEO for the Montgomery Region, my main contribution and role is putting together a team of outstanding bankers who all have the desire to serve. We have a team of veteran bankers who have been with the bank for 17 years, and we were fortunate to have a group of four bankers join us late last year who share our mission of providing outstanding service. One of them, Caryn Hughes is now the president of the Montgomery Bank. Also, very recently, we were fortunate to open a ServisFirst Bank in the Auburn-Opelika market that will be a part of our Montgomery Region. David Reaves is the president of that bank and is in the process of building an outstanding team of bankers there as well.

What first drew you to working in banking?

I liked the fact that, as a business banker, I get to be a part of many different companies. We serve businesses of all sizes and get to see how they operate.

What changes have you experienced in banking/lending recently, and what’s on the horizon?

In the last several years, all banks have been made, by federal regulations, the watchdog for money transfers all over the world. That responsibility primarily came from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and our role is to be sure that money flowing through our banks is not used for illegal purposes within and outside the USA. We are required to report any transactions that are unusual or suspicious. If our regulators find that we have violated one of these rules surrounding that requirement, the bank can be fined and even have its activities restricted. Those requirements have been expensive for all banks. ServisFirst has a compliance department that constantly reviews activities to ensure that we have reported or restricted any suspicious activities.

What’s the No. 1 challenge ServisFirst Bank faced last year, and how did you and your team manage/overcome it?

Recently, there has been a problem with fraudulent attacks on the bank accounts we protect every day. While fraud has always been a problem, it has become a much bigger issue in the last couple of years. The hacking of email accounts, checks stolen from the mail and fraudulently altered or endorsed checks have caused all banks to ramp up our defenses to protect our customers’ accounts.

What does leadership look like to you?

To me, leadership means always looking at the big picture and being sure that we are heading in the right direction. To be certain that everyone on the team knows where we want to go, our specific goals while also assuring that we have a culture of collective purpose so that we stay on track with our core values! Then, most importantly, helping them in any way I can to succeed.

What’s the most fulfilling aspect of your work/role?

The many calls and notes I receive from our customers telling me how good our bankers are and how much they have helped them! All our bankers have a servant mentality. We work hard, and we know that as a customer, you want a banker who understands your needs and can be there quickly to assist. Servis First bankers are proud of our reputation of financial strength, soundness and safety and especially taking care of the needs of our customers.

Personal Matters:

What’s your favorite business podcast?

I listen to several financial industry podcasts but probably most enjoy one called “Business Advice” with Cody Foster. He interviews people in the financial services industry getting the best advice about how to take care of customers.

If you weren’t on your current career path, what would you be doing?

I really have no idea. I’m competitive, and I enjoy the feeling of exceeding customer expectations and market expectations, so whatever it is, it would have to satisfy those goals.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Based on reading that I have been doing recently, it would probably be Benjamin Franklin. He was a man of many talents and interests and played a critical role in the founding of our country.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

I love reading, spending time at Lake Martin and am an avid road cyclist.