Vanzetta McPherson

Retired United States Magistrate Judge, Chairman of the Board for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival

The Honorable Vanzetta Penn McPherson devoted 30 years to pursuing equal justice as an attorney and federal magistrate judge. As a magistrate judge for the Middle District of Alabama (1992-2006), she upheld fairness in legal proceedings. She co-founded Roots & Wings, a cultural bookstore celebrating black history, art and literature with Judge Delores R. Boyd 11 years ago. Judge McPherson holds life memberships with the National Bar Association and the American Bar Association and served on various judicial commissions and advisory councils. She is also the current Chairman of the Board for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Her dedication to justice and community enrichment has left a lasting mark on Alabama’s legal landscape, and she has graciously shared some advice with the Central Alabama community.

What would you tell your younger self?

Spend more time with relatives and record (audio and video) their versions of the events, relationships, perspectives and hopes of their lives. Write more—start early in life and do it throughout life. Were it so, the book would have written itself. Ask more questions and demand more answers. Delve more into the “how” and “why” of human thought and behavior. Develop a hobby that requires physical skill.

In retrospect, would you change your path?

I planned and would have preferred to have had two children, rather than one. My son is an absolute delight. He and I certainly laugh about the advantages for him and his children of my sole attention and devotion. But I still wish I could have given him the benefit of growing up with a sibling.

What practical business advice do you have for young business owners and operators in Central Alabama?

The management or mismanagement of the following imperatives can cause a business to soar or plummet: (1) adequate capitalization, (2) a product or service that fulfills customers’ needs, (3) accessible and effective customer service, (4) effective management of the premises, and (5) employees who are fully engaged in the product and open to embracing burgeoning business practices.

What are your proudest achievements?

I am most proud of my son, Raegan, for the man and father he has become, the goodness that he radiates, his professional accomplishments and my two adorable grandchildren. I am equally proud of my loving relationship with my late husband, Thomas McPherson, Jr., who immersed me in an environment of compassion, respect, partnership and fun. I am also proud of my private practice of law and engagement with my community, including co-ownership of Roots & Wings.

What pivotal moments or decisions played a role in your success?

Several “public” or documented moments contributed to my success. The private, unrecorded moment that played the greatest role in my success was meeting my husband, which led to our 33-year marriage. Thomas was a relational and social fulcrum for me, an ideal father to my son, a supporter of my dreams and a leavening agent when my plans of action bordered on impropriety.


Go to Tunes

Vocal jazz and rhythm and blues. My favorite song is “I’m Glad There Is You,” by Gloria Lynne.

Guilty Pleasure

Bluebell Ice Cream Homemade Vanilla or Coffee

If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone (Dead or Alive) Who Would It Be and Why?

I would love to have dinner with my parents, Luther and Sadie Penn. I long to have them witness and appreciate the fruits of their familial, educational, and civic engagement.

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