Woman to Watch: Marcia Johnson

Marcia Johnson is the director of marketing and communications at River Bank & Trust, the largest community bank headquartered in Alabama. She has worked at the bank for 14 years and during this time, she discovered her passion for marketing. In 2021, she graduated summacum laude from the University of West Alabama, earning a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications. Committed to her profession, Marcia recently completed the American Bankers Association Bank Marketing School and earned her Certified Financial Marketing Professional Certification.

Top Tip:

Do the things that scare you a little—whether that’s going back to school, public speaking, applying for a new role, or even asking for more responsibilities. With each success (or failure), you’ll learn from it and gain confidence. Maintaining that desire to grow and try new things will keep you moving forward, guaranteed.

On the Job:

Though my primary role is leading and directing the marketing and communication efforts of River Bank & Trust, at the core, I’m an observer and storyteller. I have the unique privilege of witnessing the incredible work our bankers do, whether that’s building relationships with clients to help them achieve their goals or supporting their communities through leadership and volunteerism. I share what I see with the public, demonstrating the value our bankers provide to our customers and communities through our marketing efforts. As someone who is always rooting for the success of my team, the bank and our clients, I’m passionate about sharing what River Bank & Trust is all about—personal attention, hospitality and local banking expertise.

Back Story:

I joined River Bank & Trust when it was four years old. Being part of a new bank with so much potential excited me, and I just knew it was special. My work as an executive assistant to our CEO, Jimmy Stubbs, allowed me to have a bird’s eye view of the wonderful things that make River Bank unique. From the beginning, Jimmy involved me in our advertising efforts and recognized my interest in marketing. I’ve held my current role since 2019, thanks largely to his mentorship.

Point of Pride:

Helping my team members succeed! Whether that’s developing strategies to grow their client base, designing winning proposals, or talking them through the best use of their resources, knowing I’ve contributed to their and the bank’s success in some small way is a gratifying experience.

Helping Hand:

Recently, I completed a four-year term serving as a board member for the Autauga Western Elmore Arc. My younger brother has special needs, so being associated with an organization that helps people like him and their families means so much to me. The Arc’swork is invaluable, offering services and resources that help people live independently, maintain jobs and even communicate—things most of us take for granted.

Influential Figures:
I’ve had wonderful mentors, including my boss. My career would look much different without their incredible influence. But I credit my husband, Donny, for helping me get to where I am. Throughout our 27-year marriage, he’s always supported my dreams and encouraged me to go after them. Having a devoted partner who takes joy and pride in my success has been paramount.
Off the Clock:
My children, Jared and Matthew, and daughter-in-love, Carrista, are the greatest joys in my life, so I relish spending time with them as often as possible. They’re mostly grown now, but watching them start their lives is so much fun—perhaps my favorite stage of parenting so far!
Love List:
  • Shop Local: Harvey & Hill
  • Go-To Tunes: “Roar” by Katy Perry
  • Quotable: “The best way out is always through.”-Robert Frost
  • Main Motto: Don’t put limits on what you think you can do.